Remember September, before she said goodbye?
She taught the youngest robins the way they ought to fly.
Around the mountain's sholders she draped a gypsie shawl,
And sent the breeze among the trees to sing about the fall.
I have always loved September!
It's the first hint that the smothering heat is coming to an end and Autumn is just around the corner.
Even before the temperature cools, the light begins to change, slanting though the windows, more gentle and golden then it's been all summer.
Suddenly the cat's all want to sleep by the window, curled in a warm patch of sun.
Things look more green outside, there are hummingbirds at our new feeder, more butterflies circling the garden. The sky is a more clear blue and it looks like a glimpse of Heaven.
And suddenly I am struck with the insatiable need to knit socks and shawls, and maybe a sweater or two. My fingers itch to sort through seed packets, the need to see little plant lives begin, while visions fill my head of dreamy fairytale gardens. And oh the comfort of a hot cup of tea, matcha or chai or dark English breakfast, softened with a dash of cream.
And the need to curl up and plan and make and nest. To flip through books, planning warm bread for Michalmas, and shining lanterns for Martinmas. Sweet almond cookies for the feast of Saint Francis, and yellow saffron cakes for Santa Lucia.
Dreams of cornhusk dolls and spiced apple cider, grandma's pumpkin pie and glowing harvest moons.
Remeber September, before she went away?
She taught the cricket fiddlers the songs they ought to play.
She gave the modest Maple a dress of red and gold,
And showed the mouse a little house to keep him from the cold.
Welcome, Lady Autumn!
I have waited all year for your return.
~ "Remember September" is an old song from the beautiful book Sing Through the Seasons published by Plough Publishing House.
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